CR2 Cession – security cession to bank does not extinguish the rights of a beneficiary.
CR3 Cession – security cession – fraudulent surrender of policy.
CR4 Cession – effect of cession on rights of nominated beneficiary.
CR5 Cession – policy procured with a view to securing a bond on house
CR6 Cession – sale of second-hand policies
CR301 Cession- Cedent married in community of property failing to obtain spouse’s consent
CR257 Cession – of life policy after sequestration of insured’s estate
CR134 Estoppel – double cession
CR127 Cession in securitatem debiti – who is to enquire about an alleged phantom
CR123 Cession of policy to third party
CR119 Cession – claim by cessionary – duty of insurer as debtor
C58 Cession of insurance policy as security for a debt to a bank
C56 Cession – security cession to bank
C55 Cession – security cession – policy ceded to bank to secure a bond
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