Consumer Education

Consumer Education
This quarter we conducted 9 Double Impact (DI) training sessions and have a full diary of training sessions for the month of June. At the same time, we conducted 7 workshops in four different provinces for the quarter.

Our efforts in the media reached record figures with an Advertising Value Equivalent of R 13.7 million achieved this quarter! This represents a substantial increase of 120% compared to the same period last year. The main contributors to the increase were the education we did around the Removal of Adverse Consumer Credit Information (RACCI) project during the month of April and the two shows of the programme In Debt, where our office contributed to the content and was featured, being aired in the month of April.
The Credit Ombud had 59 articles published in 30 different newspapers and magazines, did 56 interviews with 23 different radio or TV stations and had 21 articles displayed online on 26 different websites.

We have been hard at work educating the public on what RACCI is about; how it will work; who qualified and would benefit from the project. We also focussed a lot on dispelling many of the myths around the project as well as misunderstandings the public had around “credit amnesty”.

Education efforts on this front will continue in order to make sure that consumers fully understand how things will work regarding the project going forward, even though the initial 2 month period has passed.

Much of our efforts in the coming months will be focussed on delivering quality training to our members and educating consumers through various broadcast, online and print mediums.

Members who are interested in the receiving a personalised presentation on the aims and benefits of Double Impact training can contact me via email on or on 011 781 6431 in order to setup appointments.