Consumer Education

The past quarter was very busy and we are proud to report that we have conducted 29 Double Impact (DI) training sessions for 462 delegates in 7 different organisations. Our team really pulled out all the stops in order to accommodate the various organisations’ needs, at times conducting 4 sessions in one day!

Bookings for the DI training continue to stream in and we encourage those members who have not already done so to contact our office in order to benefit from this free training which the employees perceive as very valuable and even life-changing in some instances.

We were approached by PikiTup to assist them with their financial wellness programme for their employees. We agreed to partner with them and in the process we reached hundreds of consumers through this programme. We also involved the National Credit Regulator and other stakeholders, making for very effective sessions. The rollout of the programme is continuing and by the end of this programme, we would have covered all their employees based at all their various depots.

Our ongoing consumer education efforts also included 6 consumer awareness workshops which were conducted across Gauteng.

Our efforts in the media resulted in an Advertising Value Equivalent of R 5.4 million for this past quarter. As we head towards the year end season, our education efforts will be focussed on encouraging responsible spending and the importance of fully understanding your obligations when taking on new credit agreements.

Member organisations who are interested in receiving a personalised presentation on the aims and benefits of Double Impact training can contact me via email on or on 011 781 6431 in order to set up appointments.