Debt Counselling Department

In our previous newsletter, we reported that the withdrawal of the industry Codes of Conduct would have a major impact on a number of areas in the credit industry. We engaged with the NCR and drew up a formal proposal regarding the transition of debt counselling complaints from our office to the NCR. The proposal also dealt with the manner and time frame within which to resolve our current debt counselling complaints.

As from the 1st of July we no longer accept consumers’ complaints regarding their debt counselling disputes and we are referring all the consumers to the NCR as per their request. We still have a few matters to finalise but should be able to close off all the debt counselling complaints within the next few weeks.

We are proud to state that during the two and a half years that we assisted consumers with debt counselling complaints, we saved numerous homes and motor vehicles. We also assisted many consumers to enter into payment arrangements or be placed back under debt review after the debt review process was terminated by the credit providers.