The Credit Ombud – In the business of restoring broken relationships

The Credit Ombud office provides FREE assistance with all credit bureau and credit agreement related matters.

  • Overcharging of interest or fees
  • Prescription of debt
  • Reckless lending
  • Debt collection issues
  • Fraud
  • Emolument attachment orders/Garnishee orders
  • Unfairly or incorrectly listed at the credit bureau (judgments, defaults, etc.)

We would all love to be in the perfect relationship, where you and your partner agree about everything and get along without any quarrelling and complaints or fighting. The truth is the “perfect” relationship only exists when there is continuous and honest communication from both parties involved. But now, what happens when there’s a misunderstanding and both parties are unable to reach an agreement? When the initial agreement between the two of you becomes a little blurred due to, either miscommunication or misunderstanding, that’s when you consult a professional/specialist, someone who will be fair, independent and honest.

The Credit Ombud is the specialist you need when those misunderstandings with your credit grantor or credit bureau occur. Whether it’s a judgment listing at the credit bureau or a prescribed debt or even an emolument attachment order (garnishee order) which you need assistance with, we are there to help.

When do you know that there’s a problem in your relationship with your credit grantor or credit bureau?

  • Upon making a credit application, you are already agreeing that the credit grantor may access your credit profile as part of the affordability assessment, to establish the type of consumer you are.
  • Once your credit application is approved, as part of the agreement you agree that the credit grantor may upload your activity regarding their account on your credit profile. Which means that should you default on that account, that information will be uploaded onto your credit profile. The default listing will only be removed once your account is either paid up or after the retention period of 1 year. However, if it happens that you get listed incorrectly or in error with a default, or judgment, etc. you may contact the credit bureau to dispute the information. After the credit bureau has done their investigation and you are not happy with their outcome, provided that you have given them the 20 working days to investigate and have obtained a credit bureau reference number, you may contact the office of the Credit Ombud for further assistance.
  • Further to that agreement, the credit grantor has the responsibility of supplying you with monthly statements so that you may track your payments. Should you find that, although you’ve been making your regular monthly payments, you are being overcharged on interest and fees, you may dispute the information with your credit grantor for them to investigate. If you aren’t happy with their outcome, you may approach the office of the Credit Ombud for assistance.  
  • There are instances when a consumer will find themselves already being listed due to non-payment of the account, and further receive an emolument attachment order (garnishee order). The office of the Credit Ombud will assist in ensuring that the correct interest and fees are being charged and that the consumer isn’t overcharged or treated unfairly.
  • Once the consumer has logged their dispute with the office of the Credit Ombud, we will start our investigation by contacting the credit grantor which the complaint is against, so that we can obtain all the necessary supporting documents and information pertaining to the consumers query.

We will act in the best interest of all parties, taking both sides into consideration and considering the merits of each case carefully. – FAIR

We will not take sides and will remain impartial at all times. No individual or organization will be in a position to unduly influence us.INDEPENDENT

We will openly deal with any issue brought before us, asking the relevant questions and communicating clearly and transparently. – HONEST

At the end of our investigation, the objective is that both the consumer and the credit grantor be treated fairly and can reach an agreement which should be satisfactory to both parties.

The Office of the Credit Ombud resolves complaints from consumers and businesses that are negatively impacted by credit bureau information or when a consumer has a dispute with a credit provider. At all times we will act honestly, independently and fairly, balancing the rights of all parties.