You are at the right place! Credit Ombudsman has become part of the new National Financial Ombud Scheme South Africa.
The Credit Ombud resolves complaints from consumers and businesses that are negatively impacted by credit bureau information or when a consumer has a dispute with a credit provider. All debt counselling disputes and non-member disputes are referred directly to the National Credit Regulator (NCR) on 0860 627 627/011 554 2700/2600 or send an email to
At all times we will act honestly, independently and fairly, balancing the rights of all parties.
The Credit Ombud does consumer education pertaining to the credit and credit information industry. The Credit Ombud follows an informal dispute resolution process as stipulated in our Constitution.
The rulings of the Ombud are binding on its Members (Credit Providers, Credit Bureaus) If the complainant is not happy with the decision of the office, he/she can seek alternative remedies to resolve the matter, or may approach the National Credit Regulator.
The Office of the Credit Ombud is an independent and impartial body that reports to the Credit Ombud Council. The Council is represented by 3 constituencies: consumer bodies, the credit constituency and independent members.
Individual enquiry form here?
Still looking for more information? Find out more about the National Financial Ombud Scheme South Africa. Everything you need to know about the NFO.
View the full list of Micro Finance South Africa (MFSA) members. MFSA is the largest representative of professional micro financiers in South Africa.
There is a process that you are required to follow before lodging a complaint with our office. We only accept a complaint if you have lodged it with the relevant body.
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