24-06-04_J29109_NFO_Web Thumbnail_(1200x800px)_Nerosha Maseti

Media Release – 03/06/2024

The National Financial Ombud Scheme (NFO) today confirmed the appointment of Nerosha Maseti as Lead Ombud of the Banking Division. “Nerosha brings over 18 years of Banking Ombudsman experience to her new role. She has proven abilities as a leader and in all aspects of Ombud operations, and we are excited to see where she takes the Banking Division going forward…”


Media Release – 10/04/2024

The newly-formed National Financial Ombud Scheme (NFO) today announced the appointment of its first Head Ombud, Reana Steyn. “Reana’s extensive expertise and vast experience with the OBS, Credit Ombud and at one of the leading insurers, as well as her leadership position, her qualification as an attorney, coupled with her people management experience and training of staff of the previous schemes…